The first step to begin identification of an oak tree is to determine whether the tree is from the white or red oak family of trees. You can identify which group your oak tree belongs to by looking at it’s leaves, acorns and it’s bark.
Red Oak Group Characteristics:
Leaves have pointed tips
Acorns are round in shape and have a flattened overlapping/scaled cap
Bark is fairly dark in color and often appears as ridged/furrowed
Fast growing
Members of the red oak group of trees include – Northern red oak, Black oak, Pin oak, Shingle oak, Red oak, etc.

Red Oak Tree Leaves and Acorns

Red Oak Tree Bark

Red Oak Tree Acorns
White Oak Group Characteristics:
Leaves are rounded at tip of each lobe
Acorns are oval/elongated and have a bumpy faced cap that is usually 1/3 or so it’s overall length
Bark often appears to be light colored and scaly in appearance
Slow growing
Members of the white oak group of trees include – Bur oak, Post oak, Swamp White oak, Eastern White oak, etc.

White Oak Tree Leaves and Acorns

White Oak Tree Bark

White Oak Tree Acorns
Oak trees are fantastic hardwood trees that can live for hundreds of years and provide awesome shade for all to enjoy. Please be sure to contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any comments, questions or service requests you may have. We greatly appreciate your visit to our site and look forward to being of service to you. Have a great day!
