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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Pacocha

Oh no…… my lawn has SNOW MOLD!!

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Now that the snow has finally melted and warmer temperatures are upon us, many lawns are showing signs of a common fungal disease called snow mold (gray snow mold in particular).

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Snow mold is a lawn disease normally found in late winter/early spring, while the last snow piles melt away and temperatures go above freezing (+32 degrees). The fungi causing the issue will stay active in the soil when temperatures are in the 30 to 45 degree range. When we experience a mild winter with little or no snow, the fungi will remain inactive in the soil and will not be a problem for your lawn.

We highly recommend repairing any/all fungal stressed areas with a disease resistant blend of premium grass seed to rebuild over all turf density.

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Please be sure to contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any lawn related questions or concerns you may have.  We would be very happy to help!

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