I still can't believe that after all these years, the lawn, landscape and snow industry remains as fun and exciting today, as it was my very first day back in 1993!
Being born and raised in Chicago, my family moved to Des Plaines in 1987, where I attended Maine East High School in Park Ridge. It was at this time, I met my wife Lea, and the entrpreneurial spirit took hold and never let go!

In my late teens, while working as a sales associate at Sears Golf Mill selling all kinds of tools, shop equipment and various home improvement services, I had the honor to work with some of the best people ever. They taught me how to properly serve customers, how to provide value wherever/whenever possible, and many remain my good friends to this day.
At the time, while still working at Sears, my soon to be father-in-law introduced me to the world of landscaping in the early 1990's. He operated a fantastic landscape business and provided me with countless examples of quality work and excellent customer service that I still appreciate today. Because of his sincere approach and willingness to teach me the fundamentals, I decided to begin my entrpreneurial journey and create a business of my own. I could not wait to get started, to work outdoors, and to provide my very own interpretation of what a seasonal lawn, landscape and snow removal service could look like. In order to raise some much needed money to get my new business off the ground, I needed to sell a few personal items first. In short order, I sold my car, my stereo and pretty much anything of value that wasn't nailed down. Mission accomplished! I had a late 80's pickup truck, open trailer and some small equipment ready for action in short order.
Many of the customers that gave me a chance back when I was in my early 20's are still valued clients today, we consider them family.
Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. was born in 1993.

Today, working alongside a fabulous team of landscape and snow professionals, being able to provide excellent service for our customers, means everything to me.
As it was back in the early 1990's, and still remains today, I am very fortunate to be able to do the work I love. I thank God every day for helping me find my way.
Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to being of service to you any way possible. Have a great day!
