A seasonal spring cleanup is a one-time property service visit to prepare your lawn and landscape for the up and coming growing season.
Normally our spring cleanup service includes the removal and off-site disposal of any landscape related surface debris, windblown trash, fallen twigs, etc. that may have accumulated over winter in plant beds, atop paved surfaces and across all lawn areas. Once all debris have been removed, we will mow all lawn areas, mechanically edge paved surfaces (as/if needed) and blow/clean all paved surfaces to complete.
Here are a few additional services that can be provided with a spring cleanup visit.
Granular lawn fertilization with crabgrass prevention herbicide (or starter fertilizer only - if planting grass seed)
Core aeration
Power raking (dethatching)
Select Plant and Shrub Pruning
Soil/Mulch cultivation
Wood Mulch Installation (usually requires separate property visit - after spring cleanup has been completed)

Please be sure to contact Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. with any questions or service requests you may have. We look forward to being of service to you!
