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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Pacocha

Have Snow Shovel – Will Travel!

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

There are so many efficient ways to clear snow nowadays.  Using anything from rechargeable battery powered electric snow blowers to large hydraulic expanding wing snow plows , snow removal has never been easier.  But in the world of detail oriented snow removal, at precarious residential sites in particular, nothing can replace a quality snow shovel for maintaining the cleanliness and tidiness of a property.

PACOCHA SNOW SHOVELING SERVICE: Our standard residential snow removal service includes manual snow shoveling along the base of any/all overhead garage doors, main entry/stoop, stairs, etc. (any area not accessible by plow truck or snow removal machine).

For those of you that prefer to clean your own snow, here is one of our favorite snow shovels……….. The SnowPlow Shovel.  After many, many years of commercial use, these shovels continue to amaze and flawlessly perform for us.  We highly recommend them!!

Our team at Pacocha Landscaping Services, Inc. forever strives to make you, our cherished customer, completely happy!

Thank you for visiting our site and please be sure to let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to be of further assistance.  Have a great day!

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