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Here you will find new project ideas, unique material information and discover the many ways our team at Pacocha Landscaping Services can help improve your Arlington Heights and northwest suburban Chicagoland property.
Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to being of service to you!

Joseph Pacocha
May 31, 20181 min read
Poison Ivy in ALL the wrong places!
Poison Ivy found growing up a brick wall Poison Ivy growing up a utility pole Over the years we have been very fortunate to provide lawn...

Joseph Pacocha
Apr 29, 20181 min read
Take a look at that Forsythia over there, it’s trying to tell you something…
Spring is finally here!! A sure sign that spring has finally arrived is when the forsythia bushes bloom and take on an awesome yellow...

Joseph Pacocha
Mar 29, 20181 min read
What exactly is mechanical slit-seeding?
Slit-seeding is a mechanical process of rebuilding a thinning lawn by planting premium site-specific grass seed directly into the soil,...

Joseph Pacocha
Feb 27, 20181 min read
Never be without your straps and chains!
Whenever the need arises to move heavy material or equipment, you need to be sure to safely secure your payload to the transport vehicle...

Joseph Pacocha
Jan 30, 20182 min read
3 Proven Ways to Increase Commercial Snow Removal Quality and Reliability!
After spending the last 25 years in the business of commercial snow removal, even to this day, we continue to learn and find new ways to...

Joseph Pacocha
Dec 29, 20171 min read
Happy New Year from your friends at Pacocha Landscaping Services!
We want to wish all of our friends a very positive, healthy and Happy New Year! All the best for 2018 and beyond!! Thank you for the...

Joseph Pacocha
Nov 30, 20171 min read
So what are you anyway ………….. a contractor or a mechanic?
My answer is BOTH! Well, sort of anyway. In my opinion, an aspiring contractor today must strive to continually learn (at the very...

Joseph Pacocha
Oct 31, 20171 min read
Ideas to relieve standing water from your lawn and landscape
If proper site drainage is lacking at your property and continuous rains routinely cause the ground to become fully saturated, standing...

Joseph Pacocha
Sep 30, 20171 min read
A tree that has no equal – the majestic Bur Oak!
Bur Oak Deeply Furrowed Bark There is one very special oak tree that I just love seeing in my day-to-day travels, the Bur oak. Wow…. what...

Joseph Pacocha
Aug 31, 20171 min read
How to Identify an Oak Tree
The first step to begin identification of an oak tree is to determine whether the tree is from the white or red oak family of trees. Â You...

Joseph Pacocha
Jul 30, 20171 min read
Natures Oddity…………. Slime Mold!
Slime mold can be found growing atop organic decaying material (wood mulch in particular) when hot and humid weather is the norm (June –...

Joseph Pacocha
Jun 25, 20172 min read
It’s much too hot and way too dry…….. will my lawn be ok?
The first cool-season lawn areas to show signs of heat related stress will likely consist of Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescue grass...

Joseph Pacocha
May 31, 20172 min read
Weeds are growing in my newly seeded lawn …….. what to do?
When planting a new lawn from seed (in particular), soil is normally added, amended, cultivated and/or aerated to provide optimum...

Joseph Pacocha
Apr 29, 20171 min read
Mechanical Slit-Seeding = Best Way to Rebuild a Thinning Lawn
Slit-seeding is the mechanical process of planting premium site-specific grass seed through an existing stand of turfgrass, directly into...

Joseph Pacocha
Mar 30, 20171 min read
Contractor’s LEGOS!!
Whenever a contractor has to store bulk material in a somewhat orderly and cost effective manner (temporary or long-term), he often...

Joseph Pacocha
Feb 27, 20171 min read
No Chicago area snow cover means NO SNOW MOLD for your lawn…… YES!!
March 20, 2015 – Snow Mold Found Within Lawn Area Located Between Two Residential Driveways Since we have had absolutely no snow covering...

Joseph Pacocha
Jan 28, 20171 min read
Can you help me get this stuff out of here?!?
Ever wonder where you can go to get rid of a few old tires, construction debris, asphalt shingles or even an old unsalvageable appliance...

Joseph Pacocha
Dec 31, 20161 min read
Happy 2017!
We would like to say thank you for a wonderful 2016 and wish you and your family nothing but the best for 2017. Happy New Year!

Joseph Pacocha
Nov 29, 20161 min read
Oak Tree = Living Heirloom
It seems that the older I become the more I appreciate trees that manage to survive the test of time. Â Oak trees in particular are...

Joseph Pacocha
Oct 31, 20161 min read
What is this so called nimblewill you speak of?
Nimblewill is a warm season perennial grass that has a tendency to grow in patches and is occasionally found growing in poorly drained...
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